Blazing-fast Jetwave internet

Work remotely or on the cloud quicker than ever with unlimited internet speeds.

Speeds up to 100 Gb

Choose fiber or cable internet. Get multiple point-to-point circuits. So speed never holds you back.

Powerful CyberSecurity

Keep your business and data safe online with private servers, cloud backup and more

Team + web collab

Supercharge team efficiency. Get work done fast in the cloud and keep everyone on the same page.

Multiple system options for increased reliability + flexibility

Fiber internet

Cable internet




All internet plans include:
Wifi hotspots

Access to millions of hotspots in the US and Canada

No data caps or overage fees
Hassle-free switchover

Quick set-up, and flexible, convenient installation times

Static IP address

A permanent IP address, for running multiple servers, using applications like a VPN (virtual private network), or allowing web-based video cameras

Access to millions of hotspots in the US and Canada

Quick set-up, and flexible, convenient installation times

A permanent IP address, for running multiple servers, using applications like a VPN (virtual private network), or allowing web-based video cameras

Work faster and safer with reliable internet
— and 24/7 instant US support.
So whatever happens, your internet run glitch-free.

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